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Root-end Resection (Apicoectomy)

Apicoectomy is a routine surgical procedure during which the infected tissue of the tooth’s periapex together with the root-end is being removed. It is employed in the case when other treatments have failed and apicoectomy becomes the method to save the tooth from being removed. The procedure is routine, absolutely painless, and performed under local anesthesia in several stages.

First, a small incision is made at the top of the root. Moving away the mucosa and periosteum, we than get to the bone and using special instruments, we slowly remove it thus freeing the path to the top of the root and the pathological processes on it. Then we remove the pathological process and commence resection or shortening of the root. After that, the root canal is filled with suitable materials that enable its hermetical closure. At the very end, everything is cleaned, checked and stitched up. After 7 to 10 days, the stitches are removed in the office. During the period of recovery, the dentist will give further instructions concerning oral hygiene and nutrition.

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